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Thank you for visiting the page of Profundo Bono, Delaware’s theater company composed entirely of judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals!

About Us

Every other year since 2004, we have produced a musical comedy to raise funds to support the groups who provide (non-criminal) legal services to the impoverished of Delaware. These groups help children and families to stay in their homes and be protected from abuse.

In November 2022, we had our 9th show. Each time, the Honorable Robert B. Young has written an original script, and then it has been performed by judges, lawyers, and legal professionals from across the State of Delaware. While it entails a great deal of work to put on, the actors, musicians, directors, and stage hands (from every aspect of practice, type of firm, part of the state, age, race, etc.) enjoy working without any remuneration for the benefit of the citizens of Delaware.

In the past, we’ve done “Macbeth”, “A Tale of Two Cities”, “Moby Dick”, “An American Tragedy”, “Madame Bovary”, “The Crucible”, “The Public Enemy”, “Tennessee Waltz,” and “The Finishing School.” As always, we take a perfectly dreary theme and then twist it into a musical comedy with 20-some songs, several dances, a live band, and a great ending. Over the years, we have become fairly well known, especially in what has become a very supportive legal community.

As many of you know, Judge Young has left us but we are committed to carrying on his legacy. As a non-profit organization, our purposes include:

Our fundraising benefits the Combined Campaign for Justice, which enables Delaware’s three legal services agencies–Community Legal Aid Society, Inc., Delaware Volunteer Legal Services, Inc., and Legal Services Corporation of Delaware, Inc.–to continue to provide legal services to low-income Delaware families in need of assistance. To learn more about CCJ, you can visit their website here.

Persons interested in participating should contact:

Adam Hiller at [email protected]

Thank you very much for being a supporter of our cause!


Auditions were held and callbacks are in March. Thanks to everyone that came to try out!


Thank you for your interest in attending our shows! We currently don’t have our next show scheduled, but please check back from time to time for any updates!

Ads and Sponsorships

Ticket proceeds do provide some revenue, but our major contribution to worthy institutions such as the Combined Campaign for Justice comes from sponsorships and advertising placements in the programs that are distributed to those that attend.


We have three levels of sponsorship, separately designated in our program:

“The Tony”

For only $2,500, this sponsorship level provides you with the following benefits:

“The Critics’ Circle”

For only $2,000, this sponsorship level provides you with the following benefits:

“The Ovation”

For only $1,500, this sponsorship level provides you with the following benefits:

You can imagine the great exposure to a fine audience of people who purchase goods and services, in addition ultimately to helping deserving people who really need the assistance. As you can imagine, there is also a high concentration of lawyers, legal professionals, court professionals and para-professionals, and legal staff who attend our shows, so your audience comes naturally targeted.


Even if you don’t choose to become a sponsor, a very significant portion of the proceeds we donate come from program advertising in our program, which is distributed free to each ticket holder. The rates are extremely reasonable:

Persons interested in becoming sponsors or placing program ads should contact:

Adam Hiller at [email protected]

Thank you very much for being a supporter of our cause!